Wednesday 4 February 2009


I've set up a separate trophy cabinet for my caption prizes. Thanks to DJ Kirkby (Denyse) and to Trixie for these awards. Here they are with the most recent ones first.

Pleased to win the one above from Chopper as I appreciate his sense of humour too.

The above is only a little trophy but it came with a big extra - "a free book or two" from the publishers bluechrome. I've never won a book before although I've practiced a winning speech since the age of eight in front of a bathroom mirror holding a large sponge as a book. Well its not a sponge now!

When the book(s) arrive I'll post details here.

I've been in two minds whether to include the above award as everyone was given it on that particular week. This seems a bit like at some school sports days when every child gets a certificate for taking part. I submitted six captions, none of which I was particularly pleased with, so I will just include it as my "quantity" award.

I got awarded the above on Friday 13th! This was for one of my favourite captions which particularly amused Mrs Troy too.

I guess you can't always win so I'm happy to have this second place having been beaten by a better caption on the day. In fact, having now won this award a second time (20/02/2009), I guess that's twice I can't always win.

My first Trixie award.

Mrs Troy has also won one of the above awards but it was not in the same week

I got a couple of these smilies.

and several of these green ones